Study of digestibility and effect of Spirulina on weight growth in Wistar rats
1 Laboratory of Physiology, Pharmacology and Pharmacopoeia, Training and Research Unit of Sciences of Nature, Nangui Abrogoua University, 02 PO Box 801 Abidjan 02, Côte d’Ivoire.
2 Laboratory of Medical Biochemistry, Medical Sciences Training and Research Unit, Félix Houphouët Boigny University, 01 PO Box V.166 Abidjan 01, Côte d’Ivoire.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 15(03), 065–072
Publication history:
Received on 26 July 2022; revised on 30 August 2022; accepted on 01 September 2022
In order to evaluate the digestibility of spirulina, a nutritional supplement, a study was carried out in wistar rats which received spirulina as a supplement in addition to industrial pellets. A reference group receiving only the therapeutic food, the plumpy nut, was formed.
Five homogeneous batches of six rats each, three males and three females, were formed and placed in metabolism cages. Batch 1(CPn) received the therapeutic feed and distilled water, batch 2 (CG) the conventional feed (pellets) and distilled water. In addition to the pellets, batches 2, 3 and 4 received spirulina at rate of 10 mL/kg (batch 2), 50 (batch 3) and 100 mg/kg (batch 4) of body weight. The ingesta and excreta were determined over a period of 5 days from daily measurements of the feed distributed and from the collection of faeces and wasted feed.
The analysis of the results obtained indicated a harmonious weight growth in all animals with a preponderance for the batch receiving 100 mg/kg of spirulina for a Mean Daily Gain (MDG) of 1.94 g/d. The results also revealed that the digestibility of the proteins contained in spirulina is important with a protein efficiency coefficient of 2.03 ± 0.04. With regard to lipid and fiber digestibility, no significant difference was recorded between the Spirulina supplemented batches and the controls.
This study has thus demonstrated that Spirulina supplementation has very remarkable nutritional advantages with regard to its impact on nutritional parameters and the degree of digestibility of the organic matter it contains.
Digestibility; Spirulina; Weight; Growth; Wistar rats
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