Students unrest in Nigerian universities: Types, causes and administrative strategies to the challenges
Department of Educational Management and Foundations, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(03), 376–385
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.18.3.1072
Publication history:
Received on 27 April 2023; revised on 07 June 2023; accepted on 09 June 2023
This write up is on the influence of students’ unrest, prevalent in the administration of public universities in Nigeria. The author used library research to look into the types, causes and influences on university administration and the administrative strategies to curtail the challenges. Students’ unrest is described as intentional, destructive, disruptive and conflicting behaviour of students’ in universities. It is the rampage made by students in pressing their demand on certain issues with university authorities. Student unrest include; demonstration, boycott of classes/lectures, civil disturbance, protect, crises, and riot among others. The causes have been identified to be poor funding of the universities system, government and public political interference, cultism, insecurity, communication gap, peer influence, management leadership styles, school environment/facilities, and youth unemployment among others. It was discovered that student unrest affects university administration in various forms such as; Malicious destruction and vandalism of infrastructures thereby preventing effective teaching and learning, Some suggestions were offered; University management/administrations should diffuse tension and crises pruned problems from university management and administration through good government such as; collective decision making involving students, showing respect to students’ demands, being equitable and unbiased in disciplinary issues, being transparent and effective in communication and Government funding of universities appropriately and adequately.
Student Unrest; Administration; Insecurity; Demonstration; Tension; Funding.
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