Stress-CARE: A Chinese music therapeutic model to treat stress and burnout syndromes
Beijing Normal University (BNU) Research Centre for Arts Therapies.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 13(02), 057–065
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.13.2.0103
Publication history:
Received on 23 December 2021; revised on 27 January 2022; accepted on 29 January 2022
Psychological stress, stress disorders and burnout syndromes are considered a global burden ‒ and they are challenging public health systems. They cover a broad spectrum of health conditions, some of which are diagnosable, others not. Although particularly burnout is commonly associated with working conditions, we identified stress disorders and burnout risks also in children and adolescents, hence the need for specific health education. Based on meta-synthetic construction, the present article suggests the Stress-CARE model for classroom education. It involves four crucial perspectives ‒ creativity, anxiety, recovery and energy ‒ hence the model’s name CARE: (i) given that chronic stress and burnout tend to freeze cognition and emotion, creative interactions and models such as ‘sound scene improvisation’ can restore personality dynamics, (ii) there is an inner connection between stress and anxiety, which advocates psychoeducation alongside music-guided self-exploration, (iii) stress disorders and burnout syndromes have a tendency to inhibit self-healing capacities, while specific forms of sound meditation can bring relief and help to stimulate self-regeneration, (iv) chronic stress and burnout are likely to unbalance psychosomatic energy systems ‒ and specific body-voice-techniques are used for rebalancing. Although the Stress-CARE model was designed for health education, it may also be applied in clinical settings as add-on therapy, complementary therapy or main therapeutic intervention, depending on the patients’ attitude towards creative and aesthetic processes, as well as therapeutic responses.
Burnout; Chinese public health; Heath education; Music therapy; Resource orientation; Stress disorders
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