Strengthening smallholder farmers resiliency for improved sustainable productivity of Irish Potatoes in Kenya

Caroline Muthoni Thuo 1, * and Stephen Wambugu Maina 2

1 Crops department, Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), Horticultural Research Institute -Tigoni Research Centre, Limuru, Kenya.
2 Department of Agricultural Education and Extension, Faculty of Education and Community Development Studies, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(03), 512–520
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.3.1725
Publication history: 
Received on 27 April 2024; revised on 06 June 2024; accepted on 08 June 2024
Potato industry supports millions of people worldwide and plays a significant role in the global food security. It is an important pillar to Kenyas’ economy. Low yields in potato production is a key challenge in Kenya, with an average yield of 9.8 metric tonnes per hactare, far below other major potato world producers, and therefore need to boost sustainable productivity. Low productivity of potatoes as a key component in agricultural food value chain system is a major concern because of its’ impact on food security. The objective of this review was therefore to establish factors contributing to the low yields and mitigation strategies to strenghten farmers’ resiliency against these challenges for enhanced sustainable productivity. Factors established attributed to the low yields include quality seeds inadequacy, climate change adverse effects, poor agronomic practices, pests, diseases and inadequacy in supportive services. Principles guiding resiliency in socio-ecological systems were considered as a guide to a pathway through which irish potato farmers resiliency can be strengthened against these factors. Mitigation measures identified and recommended include enhancing accessibility of quality seed by farmers; promotion of digital agricultural solutions and advisory services; adaptation of climate smart agricultural innovations practices; capacity building of farmers on good agronomic practices; implementation of developed policies to cushion farmers from exploitation; formation and strengthening of farmer groups and associations; development of appropriate infrastructures; supporting of research and extension. Attention is required to these issues by relevant institutions in effort towards strengthening farmers resiliency for continuous food security and improved farmers livelihood.
Resiliency; Sustainability; Irish Potatoes; Smallholder farmers; Productivity; Food Security
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