Strategic integration of cyber security in business intelligence systems for data protection and competitive advantage
1 Computer Technology and Cybersecurity Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL, USA.
2 Sam M. Welton College of Business, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA.
3 Saywer Business School, Suffolk University, Boston, MA.
4 Economics and Business Analytics, University of New Haven, West Haven CT, USA.
5 Business Management, Marketing and Operation University of Illinois Springfield,ILL, USA.
6 Mnagement, University of Derby, Kedleston, Derby England.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 23(01), 081–096
Publication history:
Received on 18 May 2024; revised on 26 June 2024; accepted on 29 June 2024
In the current world, business intelligence systems play a crucial role in guiding organizations on the best strategies to adopt depending on the analytical information and results obtained (Ahmad et al., 2020). Nonetheless, they are being used frequently and, hence, are vulnerable to ransom attacks, requiring appropriate security measures. This study examines the opportunities for BI solution providers to implement cybersecurity, mitigate risks, and gain competitive advantage. The study adopts a mixed-methods approach to the research involving a literature review study, self-complete questionnaires, interviews, and case studies among a variable of industry professionals. The observation in this research process shows that incorporating enhanced encryption methods, two-factor verification, monitoring, and security culture advancements leads to increased data security levels.
Furthermore, apart from defending an organization from cyber-threats, properly implementing cyber security in BI systems ensures that an organization acquires better customer trust, compliance with regulations, and a competitive edge in the market. This paper outlines vital tactics and best practices businesses can apply to enhance, design, and implement robust cybersecurity strategies for organizational benefit. This research aims at the following question; How can cybersecurity be integrated in Business Intelligence (BI) systems considering the facts that businesses are adopting data-driven strategies in the current century? Since more organizations opt for BI systems to collect pertinent information and generate strategic decisions, the systems named remain vulnerable to grabs and threats. Similarly, the research on the role of cyber security is a prime example to show how it need not to be a risk factor but in fact could be a key strength.
cyber security; Business intelligence; data protection; Competitive advantage; Strategic integration; Information security.
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