Social isolation and identity processing styles among students living in orphanages

Songa Beaulah Anjali Grace * and Anjana Sinha

Department of Psychology, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 2429–2438
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.21.3.0948
Publication history: 
Received on 15 February 2024; revised on 27 March 2024; accepted on 29 March 2024
The aim of the study was to understand the relationship between Social Isolation and Identity Processing Styles among students living in Orphanages. The study also aimed to understand relationship between Social Isolation and various Identity Processing Style, including Normative style, Diffuse-avoidant style and Informational Style. The study also helped to understand the impact of Social Isolation on Identity Processing Style among students living in Orphanages. A total of 100 students under the age of 10-26 were a part of the study and the data was collected through pen and paper method including the questionnaire for Social Isolation by Victor G.Cacioppo and William Patrick (2002), Identity Processing Style by Michael D. Berzonsky (2013). Informed consent was included while collecting the data and demographic details of the participants were taken. The results of the study showed that there was a relationship between Social Isolation and Identity Processing among students residing in Orphanages. The study also aimed to understand relationship between Social Isolation and various Identity Processing Style, including Normative style, Diffuse-avoidant style and Informational Style and it was found out that there was a positive relationship between Social Isolation and various Identity Styles among Students residing in Orphanages. The study also wanted to see the impact of Social Isolation on Identity Processing style among students residing in Orphanages and it was found that there is a significant impact of Social Isolation and Identity Processing style among students living in Orphanage. Which is helpful in understanding that Interventions and support systems target at resolving social isolation and foster healthy identity development among students living in orphanages
Social Isolation; Identity Processing Style; Normative style; Diffuse-avoidant style; Informational style
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