Silicone finger prosthesis using conventional method impression

Agus Dahlan 1, * and Sheila Ayu Nararya 2

1 Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
2 Resident, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(03), 865–870
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.3.1808
Publication history: 
Received on 04 May 2024; revised on 13 June 2024; accepted on 15 June 2024
Prosthetic fingers are a part of a medical art science community. Which means the fabrication of the prosthetic fingers is more of an art based treatment than a science. The prosthetic fingers must match with the missing part of the fingers or digits of the patient and even better if it can be used functionally. There are multiple causes of complete or partial fingers loss such as a disease or congenital malformation. But the most common are due to traumatic injuries. Despite the etiology, the effect of a loss finger has such an impact on the individual both functional and psychological. Therefore, prosthetic finger are one of the most popular approach to alleviate the problems instead with surgery approach. This case report describes a method of obtaining the use of prosthetic fingers functionally from the impression process and most importantly still have the aesthetic appearance with an easy and cheaper method by using silicone prosthesis.
Prosthetic Finger; Silicone Prosthesis; Partial Fingers; Aesthetic Prosthesis; Traumatic Injuries.
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