Several factors affecting sick building syndrome complaints in construction office workers in Jakarta

Tiara Puspita Sari * and Noeroel Widajati

Department of Occupational Safety and Health Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(01), 1679–1683
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.1.1265
Publication history: 
Received on 08 March 2024; revised on 24 April 2024; accepted on 25 April 2024
Introduction: Sick building syndrome is a condition in which people who live or work inside a building experience sudden health and comfort impacts related to time spent inside the building, in the absence of a specific disease or cause that can be identified. This study aims to determine the picture of the risk of sick building syndrome in office workers and complaints of sick building syndrome.
Methods: Data obtained from several respondents through axial sampling. Data collection was carried out by filling out questionnaires related to complaints of sick building syndrome that had been validated and observed.
Results: Factors that influence complaints of sick building syndrome in office workers of hospital construction projects in Jakarta are room temperature, room humidity, habits of leaving the room during rest, and odor in the room. And complaints that often arise, including complaints of headaches, fatigue as many as 39 people, sore eyes, and dry cough and dizziness.
Conclusion: Work environment factors that include room temperature, room humidity, and odors in the room as well as behavioral factors that include the habit of leaving the room are driving factors for the occurrence of sick building syndrome in office workers of hospital construction projects in Jakarta.
Sick building syndrome; Office workers; Construction; Working Environment.
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