Service room design for improving service quality of Utsman bin Affan library Universitas Muslim Indonesia with Kansei Engineering approach
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Muslim Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 12(03), 381–392
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.12.3.0707
Publication history:
Received on 14 November 2021; revised on 18 December 2021; accepted on 20 December 2021
A student can study well if there is a good place to study as well. Likewise with reading, a person needs concentration to read. Service room design is necessitated in the reading room because it affects one’s reading comfort. Utsman bin Affan library UMI Makassar is a place for students to study. Students’ complaints and problems that are experienced when using the library service room are in the form of uncomfortable facilities, no closed rooms, and other complaints. In reference to these problems, a study was carried out in accordance with the students’ complaints by employing Kansei Engineering approach. Kansei Engineering is a consumer-oriented ergonomic technology which enables the consumer’s image or feeling to unite with the service design process of a product. By utilizing this method, product strategy and concept creation in the design of a product or service can be determined. The final results of Utsman bin Affan UMI Makassar library service room which was obtained based on the Kansei Engineering method are an open service room, large display, reading room, multimedia room, collection room, green and white colors, 3D motif and glossy texture. In addition to the main specifications of the library, there is also an additional item supporting the service room, which is a partition made of glass that gives the impression of being open to the room although it is still divided into different spaces.
Kansei Engineering; Kansei Word; Service Design; Factor Analysis
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