Selective grinding and neuro-occlusal rehabilitation

Amel BELKHIRI1, * and Fatma Si Ahmed 2

1 Dento-facial orthopedic service of the university hospital center of Beni Messous. Faculty of Medicine of Algiers, Algeria.
2 Dento-facial orthopedic service of the university hospital center of Mustapha. Faculty of Medicine of Algiers, Algeria.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(01), 853–862
Article DOI10.30574/wjarr.2023.18.1.0675
Publication history: 
Received on 07 March 2023; revised on 14 April 2023; accepted on 17 April 2023
The characteristics of the modern human diet do not favour normal tooth wear. This lack of evolution of the occlusal morphology will be responsible for limitations in mandibular lateral movements and masticatory work.
When masticatory impotence is detected, artificial wear of the cuspid reliefs should be performed as soon as possible.
These grindings, called selective by Pedro Planas, make it possible to free the mandibular lateral movements and to rehabilitate the masticatory function.
Physiological, unilateral and alternating chewing function allows for «happy growth» of the jaws and maintenance of a healthy masticatory system.
Selective grinding; Neuro-occlusal rehabilitation; Masticatory impotence; Characteristics.
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