Sedimentological depositional features of Imam Hatip, Çiftlik Basin Central Anatolia, Turkey
Department of Geological Engineering, Ömer Halisdemir University, 51240 Niğde, Turkey.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(03), 110–126
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.3.1677
Publication history:
Received on 23 April 2024 revised on 02 June 2024; accepted on 04 June 2024
This research seeks to unveil the sedimentological features of Imam Hatip for the first time in this region.Found in the Çiftlik Basin particularly at latitude 38°10'48.15" N and longitude 34°28'9.42" E and about 1535 m above sea level.In this article,Imam Hatip in Çiftlik (IMA-1 to IMA-16) (A-P), consisting of paleosols and terrestrial sediments in which a profile from a collection of 54 specimens was initially examined.This article assesses the depositional patterns of fluvial and lacustrine sediments at Imam Hatip during the Quaternary period. The Quaternary deposits comprise terrestrial sediments and paleosols, encompassing a range of particle sizes from fine to coarse grains, including peat, silt, clay, sands, and pebbles. While some coarse and angular grains originated from nearby sources, finer grains likely underwent extensive transportation by wind and water, experiencing repeated cycles of erosion and deposition with a core depth of 860cm.
The sedimentological depositional features of the Imam Hatip Formation in the Çiftlik Basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey, are investigated in this study. The Imam Hatip Formation represents a significant geological unit in the region, offering insights into the depositional processes and environmental conditions during its formation. Through detailed field observations, sedimentological analyses, and stratigraphic interpretations, this study aims to characterize the depositional facies, sedimentary structures, and lithological variations within the Imam Hatip Formation. Additionally, paleoenvironmental reconstructions and interpretations will be conducted to elucidate the depositional environments and paleoclimatic conditions prevalent during the deposition of the formation. The integration of sedimentological data with regional geological context and stratigraphic frameworks will provide valuable insights into the depositional history and paleogeography of the Çiftlik Basin during the time of Imam Hatip Formation deposition. This research contributes to the broader understanding of sedimentary processes and paleoenvironmental dynamics in Central Anatolia, while also providing a foundation for further geological investigations and resource assessments in the region.
The sediments exhibit significant variability in sorting within unconsolidated or partially lithified sediments and paleosols. While some levels display poor sorting, others exhibit moderate sorting characteristics. Additionally, paleosol, silty, and sandy levels commonly contain quartz, feldspar, amphibole, as well as fragments of metamorphic, volcanic, and igneous rocks.
Depositional Facies; Imam Hatip; Reconstruction; Paleoclimate; Çiftlik Basin; Paleosols
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