Science and technology, whose is the primacy for?

Bruno Riccardi 1, *, Sergio Resta 2 and Giacomo Resta 3

1 56022 Castelfranco di Sotto (Pisa), via dei lazzeri, 33, Italy.
2 53043 Chiusi (SI), Via Montegrappa. Italy.
3 Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Perugia. 53043 Chiusi (SI), Via Montegrappa. Italy.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(01), 189-195
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.17.1.1476
Publication history: 
Received on 24 November 2022; revised on 05 January 2023; accepted on 07 January 2023
The many years of epistemological discussion involving scientific culture, in the search for the primary role to be assigned to technology or science, has not yet reached a definitive synthesis.
In the present technological era, marked by the continuous flourishing and converging of knowledge from one discipline into the other, this distinction has little meaning, if anything, it is a matter of assigning to both the fundamental role that together can and must fulfill for the man who is, or should be, both the creator and the sole beneficiary.
In this article we briefly are going to review the prerogatives assigned by scientists and philosophers to the two activities over the centuries, finally arriving at the proposal to transfer the achievements of science and technology from utilitarian use to the exclusive benefit of industry, social use for the fundamental benefit of man.
Science; Technology; War industry; Technoscience
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