Same useful fixative from resin in Vietnam
1 Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Food Technology, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Viet Nam.
2 Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Food Technology, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT), Viet Nam.
3 Faculty of Chemistry, VNUHCM-University of Science, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 10(03), 088–094
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.10.3.0238
Publication history:
Received on 18 April 2021; revised on 06 June 2021; accepted on 08 June 2021
Today, fixatives from natural raw materials are gradually replacing fixatives synthesized from chemicals. The arm of this research is the study of same useful resin in Vietnam for fixative substance in blending fragrance. We obtained Benzoin resin from Styrax tonkenensis Pierre plant in Ha Giang province, Canarium resin from Canarium Album L. in Dak Nong district, Dak Lak province, and Agarwood pulp of Aquilaria crassna plant in Binh Thuan province Vietnam. The material used in the experiment for the natural fragrance was taken from the project of Vietnam essential oils and related natural products. The method of this process is resin extraction by volatile solvents. The resin is dissolved in alcohol 96% and the distilled alcohol is removed to obtain absolute. The method of assessment of product quality in this study is using the olfactory to assess the odour of samples over time. Benzoin resin, Canarium resin, and Agarwood resin of Vietnam are useful fixatives in blending fragrance. The fixative ability of Benzoin resin absolute is not equal to the ability of Agarwood resin absolute but better than the ability of Canarium resin absolute. Through research and experiment, we can see Benzoin resin, Canarium resin and Agarwood resin are precious. They can be used as a good fixative in aromatherapy. This is a natural resin, a kind of resource available in Vietnam. Therefore, it is recommended for further research, exploitation, and effective use of this resource.
Agarwood; Benzoin; Canarium; Extraction; Natural fixative
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