The Role of AI-powered financial analytics in shaping economic policy: A new era for risk management and national growth in the United States
1 Mercer University, Atlanta Georgia.
2 Georgia State University, Georgia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 23(03), 2816–2825
Publication history:
Received on 17 August 2024; revised on 25 September 2024; accepted on 27 September 2024
The integration of AI-powered financial analytics is revolutionizing how U.S. enterprises and policymakers’ approach economic forecasting and risk management. This article explores the role of AI-based tools, such as machine learning and predictive analytics, in enhancing financial decision-making processes and shaping national economic policy. By providing real-time insights and accurate predictions, AI enables businesses and regulators to anticipate economic trends, mitigate financial risks, and foster financial stability. Through case studies, the research demonstrates how AI has driven economic growth, reduced risks, and enhanced financial oversight within key sectors. Additionally, it investigates the implications of AI on policymaking, highlighting how AI-enabled tools support the development of data-driven economic policies for long-term national growth. Despite the transformative potential, the article also addresses the ethical and regulatory challenges in deploying AI for economic decision-making. Ultimately, this research emphasizes that the future of economic policy in the United States is increasingly tied to the continued advancement and integration of AI-powered financial analytics.
AI-powered financial analytics; Economic policy; Risk management; Predictive modeling; National economic growth
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