Risk factors associated with childhood asthma in 5 – 11 years old children

Samarasinghe AIP 1, *, Arnold SM 1, Welgama IP 2, Saravanabavan N 2 and Pushpa Fonseka 5

1 Consultant Community Physician, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka.  
2 Medical Officer, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka.  
3 Professor in Community Medicine, Sri Jayawardena University, Sri Lanka.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(02), 466–474
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.14.2.0452
Publication history: 
Background: Various factors are known to precipitate an attack of asthma. Though no obvious causes can be found in these instances however since our climate and environment differ as do our habits and diets from those in other countries it is pertinent to examine whether the trigger factors in Sri Lanka are also different. So, the mothers of the asthmatic children were questioned regarding the likely precipitating factors pertaining to the present attack.
Methods: In order to identify the risk factors for childhood asthma in children in the age group 5 – 11 years a community based cross sectional analytical study was conducted in the Colombo Municipal Council area in the Colombo district. The sample size included 683 children in the age group of 6 – 11 years residing in the Colombo Municipal Council area. An interviewer administered questionnaire was used for data collection.
Results: Childhood asthma was statistically significantly associated with the following factors: Child’s history of eczema(p<0.05), exclusive breast feeding beyond six months (p<0.05), location of house near dusty environment (p<0.001), main fuel as firewood (p<0.05), place of sleep(p<0.05),the type of mattress cover(p<0.001), burning of mosquito coils (p<0.05),birth weight less than 2.5kg(p<0.001),  Family history of asthma(p<0.001),  and smoking habits of the father when at home(p<0.001). The other factors which were looked into were the age of starting the complementary feeding (p>0.05), age of starting the formula feeding (p>0.05), family history of allergy (p>0.05), these were not significant. After the logistic regression birth weight less than 2.5 Kg has shown the strongest association with childhood asthma (OR 5.35), Whereas starting of complimentary feeding before 6/12 has a protective effect (OR .24).
Conclusion: Birth weight less than 2.5 Kg has shown the strongest association with childhood asthma
Childhood asthma; Risk factors; Urban setting
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