Review: Ibn Khaldun's “Muqaddimah” and its significance for migration issues

Zuhriddin Juraev *, Ikhtiyor Rasulov and Kobilbek Soliev

General Graduate School, College of Social Sciences, Chonnam National University, South Korea.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(02), 1111-1119
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.18.2.0964
Publication history: 
Received on 13 April 2023; revised on 21 May 2023; accepted on 24 May 2023
This review article examines the significance of Ibn Khaldun's Muqaddimah in the context of migration issues. It aims to examine the ideas of Ibn Khaldun's work, the methodology used in the analysis and the main conclusions. In addition, the role of economic geography in improving our understanding of migration is highlighted throughout the article. The study employed a qualitative research methodology by analysing the relevant sections of Ibn Khaldun's work "Muqaddimah" that deal with migration issues. The results of the research showed that Ibn Khaldun's work "Muqaddimah" provides valuable ideas on migration issues. Moreover, the article showed the importance of economic geography as a complement to Ibn Khaldun's work in the study of migration issues. Thus, this review article highlights the continued importance of Ibn Khaldun's Muqaddimah in understanding migration issues. By synthesising historical analysis, socio-political dynamics, economic factors and spatial considerations, this study contributes to the broader debate on migration and highlights the potential of interdisciplinary approaches to deepen our understanding of contemporary migration issues.
Ibn Khaldun; Environmental determinism; Migration; Historical context; Migration patterns
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