A review on corona virus disease (COVID-19) and prevention

Pooja Duhan *, Rimpy Dahiya, Subhani Jarora and Ritu Kataria

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, GVM College of Pharmacy, Sonipat (131001), Haryana, India.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(01), 526–533
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.14.1.0350
Publication history: 
Received on 16 March 2022; revised on 23 April 2022; accepted on 25 April 2022
COVID-19 is related to the family Coronaviridae which is a kind of corona virus sickness. It beliefs that probably it comes from bats and was extends to people through an unidentified medium in Wuhan, China. The situation was spread by inhaling the infected droplets which is present in environment that has an incubation period between two and fourteen days. Fever, cough, sneezing, sore throat, complication in tiredness and breathing are the most common indications for the disease. Preventive measures include the sanitation of hands, isolation of the infected persons, proper aeration. This review discusses mechanism of spread of disease and preventive vaccines of Coronavirus.
COVID 19; Preventive measures; Isolation; Mechanism of Spread; Vaccination
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