The response practices to road accidents in Tanzania
Muslim University of Morogoro, Morogoro, Tanzania.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(02), 626–633
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.17.2.0322
Publication history:
Received on 14 January 2023; revised on 19 February 2023; accepted on 22 February 2023
Disaster response refers to activities deployed to limit the negative effects of hazards to save people's lives and their property. This study aimed to uncover the response practices commonly encountered in Tanzania during the disaster period. The study of this species was carried out insignificantly in Tanzania. The study aims to discuss response practices in the context of agreed international practices and to suggest to authorities the pathway for best practices in dealing with threats in Tanzania. The study used secondary data analysis extensively to discuss common response practices in a traffic accident. The discussion revealed that the uncivilized response to the disaster is mainly caused by a lack of skills and knowledge, poor support from the authorities, poverty and greed for wealth. In Tanzania, the response practices were more disastrous than the events themselves. Victims lose their property as it was stolen by the volunteer who came to hear them. Instead of saving people's lives and their property, they just steal that property on purpose. It has been suggested that these civil protection committees must function accordingly.
Accidents; Response; Hazards; Disaster; Road
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