The Relevance of structured onboarding in the assimilation of organizational culture
1 Department of the Farias Brito University Center (FBUNI) and Postgraduate Department of the Euvaldo Lodi Institute (IEL), Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
2 People Management from Farias Brito University Center (FBUNI), Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(01), 690–697
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.18.1.0659
Publication history:
Received on 01 March 2023; revised on 13 April 2023; accepted on 16 April 2023
This article presents as its theme the relevance of structured onboarding in the assimilation of organizational culture. In this context, the conceptualizations related to organizational culture were developed based on the research of several authors who deal with the onboarding theme. The general objective of this scientific article, taking into consideration the theoretical definitions used in the development of this work, was to analyze the relationship and impacts that the onboarding process has on organizational culture. The specific objectives established seek to reflect and describe the onboarding process, the relationship with the Human Resources sector and organizational culture, and finally, to analyze how a structured process aligned with organizational culture occurs. In this context of objectives, this article used bibliographic research methodology, through theoretical sources that provide data to be explored. Following this perspective, it was found that the impact of the employee's onboarding strength contributes to the appropriation of organizational culture. It is concluded, therefore, that the importance of the notions of organizational culture are better assimilated in the work environment from the perspective of a structured onboarding process.
Organizational culture; Onboarding; Human Resources; Work Environment
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