Relationships between probiotic lectins and postbiotics
Department of Medical Biotechnology, G.N. Gabrichevsky Research Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Russia 125212, Moscow, Admiral Makarov Street, 10.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 07(01), 142-148
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2020.7.1.0234
Publication history:
Received on 26 June 2020; revised on 14 July 2020; accepted on 15 July 2020
The ways within metabolic axes (from intestine biotopes to another body types of biotopes) and experimental approaches in study of postbiotics in connection to probiotic lectin system functioning are proposed, described and discussed. The own data on functioning of the mucosal biotope probiotic compartment (probiotic cells plus probiotic lectins) serve the basis to systematize, detail, and simplify the search, characterization, and application of postbiotics of potential therapeutic significance. Probiotic lectin system shows itself as an important source and regulator of postbiotic system recognizing glycoconjugates needed for a deeper mucosal immunity. Probiotic lectins possess potential of the direct and indirect conversion into synergistic sets of postbiotics. Consideration of relationships between probiotic lectins and postbiotics is important for increasing microbiocenose health support, makes reliable event forecasting, and justifies further algorithms of recognition processes in connection with prognostic mucosal immunity.
Probiotics; Postbiotics; Probiotic lectins; Glycoconjugates; Health; Diseases.
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