Relationship between latrine access with stunting in 20 villages of stunting focus, Pasuruan district
Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(03), 016–020
Publication history:
Received on 17 April 2023; revised on 26 May 2023; accepted on 29 May 2023
Stunting is still a major health problem in the world. Consumption of food contaminated with fecal pathogens due to open defecation due to poor access to latrines is known to cause intestinal infections which worsen the nutritional status of children by reducing appetite and absorption of nutrients, which can lead to nutritional loss. This study aims to describe and analyze access to healthy latrines and their relationship to cases of stunting in 20 villages of stunting focus in Pasuruan District in 2022. This research uses descriptive quantitative research methods with the Secondary Data Analysis (ADS) approach to see the relationship between access to healthy latrines and numbers stunting. The results showed that access to healthy latrines had no relationship with stunting cases. The absence of a significant relationship between access to healthy latrines and cases of stunting requires the local government, especially the Pasuruan District Health Office, to find out other risk factors further for the causes of stunting. The Pasuruan Regency Government must also have improvement efforts including Accelerating Equitable Access to Safe and Decent Sanitation, and other supporting efforts.
Stunting; Latrine acces; ODF; ODs
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