The Relationship between Individual Characteristics, Work Shift and Mental Workload with Work Fatigue in Nurses at Wava Husada Hospital

Meytri Dinda Mustika *

Department of Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Research Article
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.18.3.1116
Publication history: 
Received on 01 May 2023; revised on 10 June 2023; accepted on 12 June 2023\
Nurses are one of the professions that have a high risk of work fatigue. Almost 80% of nurses in Canada experience work fatigue. Work fatigue occurs due to an imbalance between task demands and work capacity. This study included quantitative research with an analytical observational type of research. The research design used was cross-sectional. The population of this study was all inpatient nurses of Wava Husada Hospital with a sample of 136 respondents. The result showed that 12.5% of nurses experienced low category work fatigue, 69.1% of nurses experienced moderate category work fatigue, 16.9% of nurses experienced high category work fatigue and 1.5% of nurses experienced very high category work fatigue. There was a moderate relationship between age (r=0.509) and work fatigue. There was no relationship between sex (r=-0.055) and work fatigue and no relationship between length of service (r=0.127) and work fatigue. Then there was a moderate relationship between nutritional status (r=0.402) and work fatigue, a strong relationship between work shift (r=-0.547) with work fatigue and a moderate relationship between mental workload (r=0.360) and work fatigue. Gender and length of service are weakly associated with work fatigue. While age, nutritional status and mental workload are associated with moderate work fatigue, and work shift is strongly associated with work fatigue. Hospitals should periodically measure work fatigue to nurses and provide counselling and training related to work fatigue and prevention efforts. 
Nurses; Work Fatigue; Individual Characteristics; Work Shift; Mental Workload
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