Relationship between Fingerprint patterns and Multiple Intelligence among young adults in Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Anambra State
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 12(01), 349–354
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.12.1.0445
Publication history:
Received on 12 September 2021; revised on 12 October 2021; accepted on 14 October 2021
The field of neuroscience is fast emerging with the various types of intelligence becoming critical to the overall wellbeing of an individual. The aim of this study is to understand the relationship between fingerprint patterns and multiple intelligence among young adults (18-26 years) in Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Anambra state. Two hundred and forty one subjects were enlisted in this study, comprising 140 females (58.1%) and 101 males (41.9%). Each subject filled the Howard Gardner model of Multiple intelligence test and were examined on the different forms of Multiple Intelligence: Linguistic, Logical, and Kinesthetic. Musical, Spatial, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Naturalist intelligences. Their fingerprint patterns were gotten with a fingerprint scanner. The data collected was analyzed using the IBM Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS 2.0). Also Chi square test was used to test the differences between variable groups and analysis showed that intrapersonal intelligence had the highest percentage of 28.2% followed by logical and interpersonal intelligence. Naturalistic intelligence had the least percentage of 3.2%. Males also showed a higher dominance of Logical, interpersonal, spatial, and kinesthetic intelligence; whereas females showed higher musical, naturalistic, linguistic, and intrapersonal intelligence. Also, the highest occurrence for the loop fingerprint was found among students with intrapersonal and musical intelligence; the highest occurrence for whorl was found among students with spatial and kinesthetic intelligence; and the highest occurrence of arch is found among students with naturalistic and linguistic intelligence. There was however, no significant difference observed in the relationship between multiple intelligence and tribe. The result of this study confirmed that every individual has different forms of intelligence at different levels and the knowledge of this may be useful in selecting career prospects.
Fingerprint pattern; Multiple intelligence; Neurosciences; Intrapersonal intelligence; Career; Anambra State.
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