The real estate market in Hanoi, Vietnam: Current status and some solutions.
Department of Accouting, University of Labour and Social Affairs, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(03), 1316–1325
Publication history:
Received on 19 August 2023; revised on 26 September 2023; accepted on 28 September 2023
The importance of developing real estate projects in major urban areas cannot be denied, especially in the current period of rapid national development. The emergence of real estate projects has significantly altered the landscape of Hanoi city. Over the past decade, the Hanoi real estate market has consistently been a focal point of interest for many. It is regarded as a sizable market, attracting substantial investments from domestic and foreign enterprises. Furthermore, the scale and business activities of these enterprises have continued to expand and evolve, making this market increasingly dynamic and attractive, albeit with fluctuations and risks. The Hanoi real estate market experiences moments of 'freezing' or 'soaring' at different times across all market segments. Based on secondary data research, this article presents a comprehensive overview of the real estate market in Vietnam. Consequently, the article proposes some solutions aimed at better supporting the development of this market in the near future.
Real estate market; Market demand; Market supply; Hanoi; Vietnam
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