Reading skills among EFL learners in Saudi Arabia: A review of challenges and solutions
Curriculum and Instruction Department, Faculty of Education, University of Jeddah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 15(03), 204–208
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.15.3.0922
Publication history:
Received on 11 August 2022; revised on 15 September 2022; accepted on 17 September 2022
The reading process appears controversial and momentous in teaching and learning. Extensive research has been done about the reading process in the mother language and foreign language, the difficulties associated with the reading of foreign language, and the associated qualities and issues of these languages. An investigation is required on the issues that hinder reading abilities. English is considered a foreign language in Saudi Arabia, and this study investigates the issues that hinder the learners’ reading abilities and skills. The principal concern has been the challenges faced by the learners and the solutions. Based on the research findings, this study also highlights the implications of reading being taught to learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). The research study unfolds challenges that hinder the reading skills enhancement of the EFL learners and the teachers as well. The challenges include lack of sufficient knowledge of the language, lack of vocabulary, curriculum issues, interest of students, and other such issues. Along with this, the solution to the challenges is also presented in this study. such as conducting training of the teachers, diversifying the methods of teaching reading, recognizing students’ learning styles, motivating the students, conducting extra classes, and various others. This study will enable the educationists to revise the curriculum according to the concerns of the students and will lead to the betterment of the reading skills of Arab EFL learners.
Comprehension; EFL; Reading Ability; Saudi Arabia; Teaching Reading; Teacher training.
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