A rare case of a very aggressive angiosarcome of the tibia: A case report and review of the literature
Department of Orthopaedic Traumatology Wing 4 CHU Ibn Rochd Casablanca Morocco.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(01), 2220–2224
Publication history:
Received on 10 December 2023; revised on 22 January 2024; accepted on 25 January 2024
Introduction and importance: Angiosarcoma is a malignant vascular tumour of bone composed of endothelial cells. It accounts for 1% of all malignant bone tumours. The interest of this observation is to show the particularly aggressive and devastating nature of this type of tumour, which remains very rare and whose evolution is totally unpredictable.
Case presentation: This was an angiosarcoma of the tibia in a 29-year-old patient with no particular pathological history, which according to the patient had appeared 3 months previously. A radiological work-up confirmed the malignant nature of the lesion, hence the need for a biopsy, which confirmed the diagnosis of angiosarcoma.
Clinical discussion: Angiosarcoma is defined by its high histological degree of anaplasia, its radiological aggressiveness and its rapid clinical course with a very high metastatic potential. It is a rare tumour that occurs mainly in adults aged between 20 and 60, with a predominance of males. CT and MRI are used to define the limits of the tumour, biopsy confirms the diagnosis, and treatment is surgical.
Conclusion: Angiosarcoma is an angioendothelioma with a high grade of malignancy, the course of which is usually lethal whatever the treatment used.
Bone; Tumour; Angiosarcoma; Metastasis; Surgery
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