Quality of health services
1 Department of Nursing, Hellenic International University ‘’DIPAE’’, Thessaloniki, Greece.
2 Private Diagnostic Health Center of Thessaloniki, Greece.
3 General Hospital “Agios Dimitrios-G. Gennimatas” Thessaloniki, Greece.
4 Nursing Department, University of Western Attica, Athens, Greece.
5 General Hospital of Alexandroupoli, Greece.
6 Home-based Nursing Care, Nursing Department - Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 12(01), 498–502
Publication history:
Received on 17 September 2021; revised on 29 October 2021; accepted on 31 October 2021
Introduction: Health services are that part of the health system, which focuses specifically on the provision of health care services in the society. A health system includes a complex set of structural relationships between populations and institutions that have an impact on health.
Purpose: This review aims to investigate the relationship between the quality of health services and health in general.
Methodology: The study material consisted of recent articles on the subject found mainly in the Medline electronic database and the Hellenic Academic Libraries Association (HEAL- Link).
Results: Certain dimensions of health service quality, such as consistency, completeness, and effectiveness, are also difficult to be measured, apart from the subjective evaluation by the client. But even subjective evaluation by the client can be difficult and the results will be different from the evaluation of services done by other parties, such as health professionals. While the latter evaluate the design and delivery of the service, the customers evaluate the service based on their overall perception of its provision.
Conclusions: The continuous monitoring of health services for quality evaluation is very important, in such extent that the evaluation of patients' perceptions of the quality of health care, has received significant attention in recent years.
Quality; Health Services; Health system; Quality Standards
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