Q-angle assessment in older adult patients with Gonarthrosis
Kasandra Elizabeth González Morocho, Viviana Catalina Méndez Sacta.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(01), 1218–1223
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.18.1.0545
Publication history:
Received on 01 March 2023; revised on 11 April 2023; accepted on 13 April 2023
Gonarthrosis is one of the most prevalent pathologies in the world. It affects more than 23% of people belonging to the age group between 60 and 64 years old and 40% of the population over 70 years old and more frequently in the female sex. Joint misalignment is one of the most important factors for its development. Therefore, it is important to determine the Q angle in people since it is a predictive agent of this condition.
Objective: To describe the Q angle presented by patients with gonarthrosis at the health center in the city of Cuenca during the period September 2022 - February 2023.
Methods: Quantitative study of descriptive scope, cross-sectional type, applied to 22 older adults of the Health Center in the city of Cuenca. Data were collected by means of semiology data and Q-angle measurement using imaging software (Kinovea version 0.9.5). The tabulation and analysis of the results was performed with SPSS statistics 21 and the graphs with Excel.
Results: The sample consisted of 22 persons, 50% of whom were female and 50% male. The age range with the highest prevalence was 65 to 75 years, representing 86% of the total population. The average right Q angle in patients with gonarthrosis was 14° and on the left side it was 13°.
Conclusions: After finalizing the data collection and analysis, it was established that there is no significant difference in relation to the with the Q angle of older adults with gonarthrosis in the health center of the city of Cuenca.
Older Adult; Gonarthrosis; Genu Valgum; Genu Varum; Q Angle
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