Public diplomacy of Türkiye in the Balkans: From the perspective of natural position
Faculty of Law, Department of Political Science, International Balkan University, North Macedonia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 23(02), 944–951
Publication history:
Received on 16 June 2024, revised on 07 August 2024, and accepted on 10 August 2024
In the diplomacy and international relations of the 21st century, the influence and importance of an effective and efficient use of soft power and public diplomacy is crucial for states in realizing certain aims in the international stage. The constructive utilization of soft power tools through the acknowledgment of capabilities, in other words, playing to their strengths, is very important for states in order to gain maximum benefits from their actions in the international stage. The concept of Natural Position assumes a crucial role in detecting and materializing a state’s strengths towards a certain region and will be utilized as a framework for the focus of this paper. This paper will focus on the approach of Türkiye within this context in the Balkans, designating specific cases in which we can detect the active use of soft power in that region, the importance of Türkiye’s natural position within the Balkans and how this position has and can be utilized as a strong foundation for broadening Türkiye’s influence in the Balkans, even further. The paper will go through the theoretical frameworks of soft power, public diplomacy and the concept of natural position, analyzing the crucial role of Türkiye in the Balkans and its approach in soft power towards the region, emphasizing its strengths in the region via elements within the concept of Natural Position.
Soft Power; Hard Power; Diplomacy; Natural Position; Regional Actor
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