Proximate and phytochemical composition of Phyllantus amarus
Department of Applied Biochemistry, Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 15(01), 041–047
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.15.1.0517
Publication history:
Received on 13 May 2022; revised on 22 June 2022; accepted on 24 June 2022
This study aimed to determine the proximate and phytochemical composition ofPhyllanthusamarus. The results of proximate composition of Phyllanthusamarus showed that the plant leaves contains fat 8.40 %, moisture 6.48 %, ash 10.58 %, fibre 2.40 %, protein 23.97 % and carbohydrate 48.02 %. The results of phytochemical composition of Phyllanthusamarus revealed Kaempferol 2.3726 ug/ml, Steroid 15.7626 ug/ml, Proanthocyandin 8.1619 ug/ml, Catechin 23.3542 ug/ml, Anthocyanin 3.8979 ug/ml, Narigenin 13.5721 ug/ml, Dihydrocytisine 8.0184 ug/ml, Cyanogenic glycoside 8.7028 ug/ml, Aphyllidine 0.2959 ug/ml, Ammodendrine 6.2495 ug/ml, Tannin 9.8090 ug/ml, Flavonoes 8.7210 ug/ml, Cardiac glycoside 14.2203 ug/ml, Flavone 3.60099 ug/ml, Ribalinidine 10.1874 ug/ml, Spartein 4.1965 ug/ml, Phytate 8.1192 ug/ml, Oxalate 9.0074 ug/ml, Epihedrine 1.9501 ug/ml, Sapogenine 18.0269 ug/ml. It may be concluded that the leaves of Phyllanthusamarus contain several phytochemicals that could be of good therapeutic purposes.
Phytochemical; Proximate; Phyllantus amarus; Steroid; Tanin
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