Procrastination on production of energy using renewable sources retard settlement of congenial society: Evidence of Bangladesh
1 Green Business School, Green University of Bangladesh.
2 Department of Textile Engineering, Green University of Bangladesh.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(03), 2282-2287
Publication history:
Received on 18 October 2024; revised on 18 December 2024; accepted on 20 December 2024
A better flow of resources to total package of energy production can ensure sustainable development of a nation. Bangladesh is a country which cannot yet make available all resources of energy required for sustainable development. Production of energy from renewable sources are not yet been accounted nationally. Sustainable Development Goals (Goal–7) demands creation of energy through resources like: water, air, sunlight and joint effect of another environmental resources. The task of production of energy through renewable sources has already been started but in a discrete manner.
As a result, energy from conventional resources are used heavily for completing the production cycles in Bangladesh. The sources of energy at persisting process are mentioned as: natural gas (54.67%), fossil fuel (21.72%), coal (6.97%) wind, solar etc. (0.085%) and hydro (0.12%) and bio-fuels (15.90%). It can be pointed that the sources of energy through renewable resources is observing very negligible picture even after nine years of adopting UN convention and ratification for SDG (Goal 7).
The absent of energy through renewable sources and burning of coal, fossil fuels, and natural gas for energy warming the atmosphere and affecting human health and environment. Considering this, the study attempts to find relationship of per capita generation of electricity with economic growth and other energy resources. Besides this, the study attempts to know how the changes of resources quantity influence the per capita generation of energy. Moreover, the research required to find out the turning point of the individual series contributing to the amount final product.
The values of the parameters and the analysis are shown significant results, which support that the atmosphere getting more heat, polluting the environment and affecting the human health. As a result, more strong steps are to be taken to get rid of many unacceptable issues which is degrading atmospheric environment, human health and retarding the development of congenial process of living.
On this situation, the study suggests that the generation of electricity observing renewal process should be started in full swing reducing the persisting long traditional process. This may lead to achieving targeted indicators for sustainable development goals (SDG 7) and help creating a pleasant and congenial society.
Renewable energy; Congenial society; Quantitative analysis; Industrial pollution; Deforestation; Sustainable development; Performance analysis
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