Principal behavior in improving literacy cultur
Doctoral Program in Islamic Education Management, UIN Sayyid Ali Ramatullah Tulungagung, Indonesia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 1115–1122
Publication history:
Received on 01 February 2024; revised on 11 March 2024; accepted on 13 March 2024
This research explores the impact of the school principal's behavior on the success of educational institutions, with a focus on literacy at SMP Global Islamic Boarding School Karangan, Trenggalek, Indonesia. The competence and leadership style of the school principal has a significant influence on school progress. Literacy culture, seen as a form of cultivating critical attitudes in understanding information, is considered crucial for improving access to knowledge and technology.
The research methodology used is qualitative, employing data collection techniques such as observation, interviews, and documentation. The results indicate that the school principal implements various strategies to enhance literacy in the school, including activities like book publishing, writing seminars, and promoting reading corners. Additionally, the principal pays special attention to numeracy literacy and digital literacy by involving training, problem-based learning, and the utilization of digital technology.
These findings support Mayo's theory and underscore the importance of a humanistic approach in shaping literate attitudes through leadership factors, student and teacher behavior, and a conducive school climate.
School Principal's Behavior; Literacy Culture; Qualitative Research
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