Prevalence of advanced directives in the geriatric population with in long-term care facilities in the United States

Ateequr Rahman 1, *, Druti Shukla 1, Lejla Cukovic 1, Kirstin Krzyzewski 1, Noopur Walia 1, Tehreem Khaliq 1 and Yelena Sahakian 2

1 Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, College of Pharmacy, North Chicago, IL, United States.
2 UChicago Medicine, Chicago, IL, United States.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 12(02), 173–178
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.12.2.0559
Publication history: 
Received on 26 August 2021; revised on 01 November 2021; accepted on 03 November 2021
Advanced directives, such as Living Wills and Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders, provide the ability to identify, respect, and implement an individual's wishes for medical care during serious illness or end-of-life care. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of advanced directives amongst the residents of long-term care facilities in the United States. A total of 527 cases were extracted from 2018 National Study of Long-Term Care Providers, which was collected by the National Center for Health Statistics through the surveys of residential care communities and adult day services centers. Advanced directive rates were higher in patients 90 years of age and above as compared to other age groups. Nursing home residents were more likely to have advanced directives than other long term care facilities. There was no significant difference among males and females in the rate of advanced directives. Nursing home and Hospice residents had more advanced directives compared to other facilities. The Black population had the highest rate of advanced directive preparedness. Overall, the finding of this study revealed that there was a significant difference in the preparedness of DNR orders and Living Wills by patient demographics and the type of long-term care facility. Offering advanced directive services at public health/social services facilities can enhance the rate of advanced directive preparedness. Advanced directives ease the stress and anxiety of patients, family, and friends during difficult times.
Advanced directives; Do Not Resuscitate; Living Will; Elderly; Nursing homes; Hospice care
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