Prediction of emotion regulation strategies and psychological hardiness based on components of meaning in life among adults of Tehran
1 Psychosis Research Center, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran. First Floor Ebne sina Building, Kodakyar, Daneshjoo BLV. Velenjak. Tehran. Iran.
2 Clinical Psychology Department, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen Branch. Rodehen, Iran.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(01), 374-385
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.17.1.1336
Publication history:
Received on 21 November 2022; revised on 05 January 2023; accepted on 08 January 2023
Introduction: The present study has aimed to predict the psychological hardiness and emotion regulation strategies based on components of meaning of life, in adults of Tehran city.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted using Correlation Method. 384 subjects were chosen from 22 regions of Tehran city from 1395 to 1396, by clustered sampling, and participated in the study. The data were collected through ‘’meaning in life” questionnaire-MLQ-(Steger et al, 2006), “cognitive-emotional regulation” questionnaire (CERQ), and “Ahwaz Hardiness Inventory” (AHI). And the resultant data were analyzed step by step by correlation scales and regression analysis, using version 18th of SPSS software.
Results: According to the results, the presence of meaning subscale, has negative and significant correlation with other-blame and catastrophizing, and has positive and significant correlation with putting into perspective, positive refocusing, positive reappraisal, and planning. Regression analysis results suggested that 28% of variations in positive refocusing, 29% of variations in planning, 33% of variations in positive reappraisal, 22% of variations in putting into perspective, 4% of variations in catastrophizing, and 8% of variations in other-blame, are predictable through the presence of meaning subscale. Also, presence of meaning subscale, had positive and significant correlation with psychological hardiness(r=0.66), and 43% of variations in psychological hardiness was predictable by presence of meaning subscale.
Conclusion: The present study results showed that presence of meaning component, had role in predicting psychological hardiness and emotion regulation strategies.
Meaning of life; Psychological hardiness; Emotion regulation strategies
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