Potential bacterial pathogens associated in wound infections at University Health Centre of a Southwest in Nigeria

BA Erinle 1, * and AO Ajayi 2

1 Microbiology laboratory, University Health Centre, Federal university of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.
2 Microbiology Department, Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba. Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(01), 711–716
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.1.1055
Publication history: 
Received on 24 April 2023; revised on 09 July 2023; accepted on 11 July 2023
Healthy skin forms a formidable obstacle against microorganisms but once this defense process is altered or obstructed creating a wound, bacteria have an ideal environment for growth and reproduction. lt is hardly inevitable not to have a wound because bacteria are ambiguously present in every part of human body. Emergency cuts, wounds, burns and accident cases are common occurrence in most Teaching Hospitals, however this is not so rampant in the University Health Centre and this form the basis of the study to know the extent of potential bacterial pathogens associated in wound infections at the Health Centre of the Federal university of Technology, Akure. Nigeria.
Method: One hundred and seventy wound swab samples were collected from staff and students of the university aged 1-69 years from March 2022 to August 2022.The samples were processed via microscopy and cultured on MacConkey, Blood and Chocolate Agar respectively in the Microbiology laboratory where standard cultural techniques was carried out to identify,isolate and characterize the bacteria isolated.
Result: Of the 170 wound swab samples examined, 74(43.6%) was positive to bacteria growth, while 96(56.4%) had no bacteria isolated.
Conclusion: The result illustrated there were potential bacterial pathogens associated in wound infections isolated from the samples that was analyzed. This indicated that potential bacterial when not properly managed and treated appropriately can complicate the healing process of wound.
Wound; Bacterial Pathogens; Samples; Associated
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