The potency of Moringa oleifera as a medicinal herb in lowering uric acid: A review
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 16(01), 298–301
Publication history:
Received on 04 September 2022; revised on 10 October 2022; accepted on 13 October 2022
Hyperuricemia can be the initial sign of health problem. In recent years, there is increasing in prevalence of hyperuricemia which become global health concern. Hyperuricemia is defined as a condition when there is an increasing in serum urate above normal level. This condition usually asymptomatic and clinical sign doesn’t appear. However, hyperuricemia later can manifest symptomatic condition such as gout or another health problem related to increasing levels of uric acid. The elevating of uric acid levels can be caused by the dietary intake of foods which contain high levels of purine, disruption in catabolism of nucleic acid, problem in excretion, and many other factors. There are already several pharmacological agents used to lower uric acid levels. Still, as development in herbal medicine, Moringa oleifera is also known to have an anti-hyperuricemic effect which can lower uric acid levels in the body serum. This article aims to review the potential effect of Moringa oleifera in lowering uric acid levels so the prevalence of hyperuricemia and further health problem related to increasing in uric acid levels can be prevented.
Moringa Oleifera; Hyperuricemia; Lowering uric acid; Herbal medicine
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