Perineal lacerations and postpartum well-being: exploring mental health and chronic pain

Sobotie Stephanie Efua *

Family Physicians (Obstetrics), Department of Family Medicine, Alberta Health Service, Calgary, Alberta.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(03), 815–820
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.3.1627
Publication history: 
Received on 14 April 2024 revised on 26 May 2024; accepted on 29 May 2024
This review article aims to dissect the multifaceted impact of perineal lacerations on postpartum well-being, with a specific focus on mental health and chronic pain. Employing a systematic analysis of existing literature, the study illuminates the prevalence and severity of perineal trauma, the psychological and emotional repercussions for new mothers, the experiential narrative of women's recovery, and the crucial function of perineal clinics in facilitating holistic recovery. The findings underscore a significant correlation between perineal trauma and adverse postpartum outcomes, including increased risks of postpartum depression, anxiety, and diminished quality of life due to chronic pain. Conclusively, the article advocates for an integrated approach to postpartum care, emphasizing the necessity of addressing both physical injuries and psychological well-being. The novelty of this work lies in its comprehensive exploration of the role of perineal clinics, highlighting their importance in promoting a more inclusive, supportive postpartum recovery process, thereby filling a gap in existing maternal healthcare practices.
Perineal Lacerations; Postpartum Well-Being; Mental Health; Chronic Pain; Recovery; Perineal Clinics; Holistic Care; Psychological Impact; Maternal Healthcare; Postpartum Depression.
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