Perception of consumers toward celebrity endorsements of students at Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, San Isidro Campus
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, Philippines.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(03), 3196-3206
Publication history:
Received on 22 November 2024; revised on 26 December 2024; accepted on 29 December 2024
Background and objectives: Celebrity endorsements have emerged as a common tactic in marketing and advertising that manipulates the fame and influence of well-known people to promote products and services. The idea is that these celebrities can influence how people feel about a brand and encourage them to make purchases. The objective of this study focuses on understanding students’ thoughts and feelings about celebrity endorsements and how these might affect their buying choices. The study will describe the respondents based on their demographic profile to examine the differences in perception of various student group. In addition, this study will explore the factors affecting students’ views to understand their opinions on celebrity endorsements. Moreover, this study will examine the impact of celebrity endorsements on brand credibility and awareness.
Methods: This study used a quantitative descriptive method. Researchers used structured survey as a research instrument for collecting the data. Specifically, a total of 30 students from NEUST San Isidro Campus are selected participants of the survey. Along with primary data, the researchers also made use of secondary resources in the form of published articles and literatures to support the results.
Findings: The findings showed that 43% of the respondents agree and 30% strongly agree that celebrity endorsements can make the products look trendy. Indicating that it can be an effective marketing tool because celebrities have diverse fan bases and cause great influence so they are often tied with their endorsed products. In addition to this, 23 out of 30 are more likely to purchase a product endorsed by a famous celebrity. The study also reveals that positive reviews on a product endorsed by a celebrity can influence consumer trust to buy the product which scored a weighted mean of 3.13 being the highest in the factors under product reviews on celebrity endorsements, and followed by 3.03 weighted mean indicating that consumers are more likely to trust the product if the celebrity endorser not only promotes but also use those products. Furthermore, the factor in which consumer compare the price of celebrity endorsed product with non-endorsed before purchasing scored a weighted mean of 3 presents that students agree with this aspect.
Conclusion: The result of the study shows that celebrity endorsements play a significant role in making a product desirable, increase brand awareness, improve brand image or stand out from competitors, and build trust and credibility to consumer.
Celebrity Endorsement; Purchasing Decisions; Marketing Strategy; Brand Appeal; Consumer Perception; Influencer Marketing; Endorsement Benefits; Market Trends
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