Perception and practice of self-medication by parents on their children: A study carried out in the saint joseph health area of Kisangani (The democratic republic of Congo)

Jean-Pierre Angali Kashundu *, Benjamin Wale Ndjadi and Raymond Assani Ramazani

Higher Institute of Medical Techniques of Kisangani, DR Congo.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(01), 1276–1291
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.1.1139
Publication history: 
Received on 04 March 2024; revised on 19 April 2024; accepted on 22 April 2024
Introduction: Self-medication is a major public health problem in view of the risks involved, such as therapeutic failures and the emergence of multi-resistant bacteria. The aim of the study is to demonstrate how self-medication of children is perceived by parents living in the Saint Joseph Health Area, to identify the satisfaction that parents derive from self-medication, to determine the way in which these parents self-medicate their children, and to present what parents can expect from self-medication.
Methodology: This was a qualitative, phenomenological study based on free, face-to-face interviews. It concerned 4 mothers found in pre-school consultations at the Saint Joseph Reference Health Centre from June 15 to 30, 2023.
Results: With regard to perception, the respondents had demonstrated the significance of self-medication, the determining factors, and their experience on this subject by often resorting to old prescriptions and medicine leaflets. Low income and the time it takes to get to the hospital were the determining factors. The respondents found self-medication satisfying. They were aware of the dangers and risks associated with self-medication. Risk prevention consisted of giving the child palm oil and skimmed milk. Their expectation of self-medicating was always to be cured.
Conclusion: Self-medication in Kisangani is a real phenomenon, with the majority of parents practicing it for themselves and their children due to a lack of financial means, as medical care is expensive. Free medical care would be one way of combating this practice.
Perception; Practice; Self-medication; Parents; Children
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