Peace and order: The inseparable partners to development

Mario Corpin Nierras *

Faculty of Agriculture, Biliran Province State University-Biliran, Campus Biliran, Biliran Province, Philippines.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(01), 470–475
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.14.1.0273
Publication history: 
Received on 12 March 2022; revised on 20 April 2022; accepted on 22 April 2022
Development has several attributes. In the same way as there are a lot of factors that influence progress. These elements range from simple, technical, economic and social components. A common or not so popular yet very practical reasons why a country remain technically behind and economically stagnant is attributable to its internal peace and order condition. Discontentment, poverty, injustice, and lack of opportunities are some basic elements inimical to peace and order. It is believed that peace and order may be initially rooted from neglected basic social services, extreme poverty, and gross social inequity, among others. Dissecting the root cause of the trouble is a must thing to do by government leaders to truly address the issue. A place where peace and order are perverse is an area which is potentially or actually chaotic. Implementing plans and programs geared toward truly elevating the economic position of the poorest of the poor could be a good agenda. Transforming a place, region, or country from an impoverished to a better condition is extremely challenging. So, the aspect of sincere and effective leadership is highly needed in this instance. Development is very remote to be attained in the absence of sustained peace and order. In essence, peace and order are indeed a form of social development.
Development; Economic Development; Peace and Order; Progress
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