Particularities of asthma, physical activity, risk of depression and impact on work productivity
Department Of Pneumology, Arrazi Hospital, Mohammed VI University Hospital, LRMS, FMPM UCA, Marrakesh Morocco.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 20(01), 934-938
Publication history:
Received on 11 September 2023; revised on 21 October 2023; accepted on 24 October 2023
Introduction and objective: Asthma is a chronic disease with significant psychological and socio-economic repercussions. The aim of our study is to analyze the epidemiological, clinical, spirometric and therapeutic characteristics of asthma patients. We also examined the impact of the disease on patients' physical activity, mental health and work productivity.
Methods: We report a prospective study carried out in the allergology consultation of the pneumology department of Mohamed VI University hospital of Marrakesh, between august 2022 to august 2023
Results: One hundred and twenty-six cases of asthma were collected. The average age of the patients was 40 ± 17 years [17-78 years], with a clear female predominance (64%). Only a third of patients had a stable employment. Illiteracy was noted in 10% of cases, and non-conforming housing in half. Comorbidities associated with asthma were dominated by rhinitis (80%), conjunctivitis (50%) and GERD (53%). Age of onset was 29 ± 10 years [9 - 54 years]. Clinical signs were perennial in 56% of patients and seasonal in 44%. Asthma was intermittent in 20%, mild persistent in 21%, moderate persistent in 45% and severe in 14%. Asthma was controlled in 68% of cases. Twenty percent of patients had more than two exacerbations per year. PFT showed OVD in 54% of cases, normal in 36%, and 10% of patients were uncooperative. Skin tests were positive in 47% of cases. The main treatment was mostly step 3 in 40% of cases. Respectively, 52, 41, 30, and 3 patients had a physical activity level of 1 (none), 2 (occasional), 3 (regular), or 4 (frequent). Asthma worsened at work in 20% of cases. Absenteeism was 4.1±13.9% and presenteeism 34.1±23.5%. The resulting loss of productivity was 32.4±24.3%. Almost half the patients had a depressive episode according to the PHQ-9. Respectively, 9, 15, 4 and 2 patients had mild, moderate, moderately severe and severe depression.
Conclusion: Asthma is a disease with major socio-economic consequences. The only way to control the disease and enable asthma patients to lead normal, active lives is through a comprehensive approach that includes patient education, environmental control and co-morbidities, in addition to medication.
Asthma; Control; Comorbidities; Physical activity; Work productivity; Depression
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