Organizational environment and the impact of cultural, social and personal factors on employee job satisfaction and performance
Glasgow Caledonian University United Kingdom.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(01), 2871–2882
Publication history:
Received on 12 December 2023; revised on 16 January 2024; accepted on 27 January 2024
Job satisfaction remains an important aspect of investigating performance, and its effect on productivity, organisational objectives, and societies as a whole and has been widely studied. This study aimed at investigating organisational environment and the impact of cultural, social, and personal factors of employee job satisfaction and studying the relationship between job satisfaction and performance in organisation while exploring the interrelationships of the antecedent’s groups. The study confirms the dual direction of connection that consists of a cycle of cause-and-effect relationship between job satisfaction and performance and investigates the mediating factors. The study encourages supervisors and managers to reflect on their tacit method of handling workers and exploring ways to employ explicit methods and support work environment that is more conducive and unbiased. The study emphasizes the importance of considering job satisfaction and performance relationship holistically by addressing the cultural, social, and personal problems to improve employee performance.
Organization; Environment; Cultural; Social; Personal; Satisfaction
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