Optimizing University administrative structures: Strategies for enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in higher education institutions in Nigeria

Jacob O. Sule *

Graduate School of Education and Human Development, George Washington University, USA.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(01), 278–290
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.24.1.3018
Publication history: 
Received on 19 August 2024; revised on 27 September 2024; accepted on 30 September 2024
This study investigated the inefficiencies within Nigerian university administrative structures, prompted by ongoing challenges such as bureaucratic bottlenecks, poor coordination between academic and administrative units, and insufficient technological integration. These issues have hindered the effectiveness of university operations and negatively impacted staff and student satisfaction. The research adopted a mixed-methods approach, using both quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews to gather data from select Nigerian universities. The survey measured perceptions of administrative inefficiencies through Likert-scale questions, while interviews with key stakeholders provided deeper insights into structural challenges. The findings revealed significant delays in decision-making, caused by hierarchical administrative structures, as well as a lack of communication between academic and administrative units. Additionally, technological integration was found to be inconsistent and inadequate, exacerbated by financial constraints and insufficient training. These results were consistent with prior studies, highlighting the need for structural reforms to enhance efficiency. The study concluded that optimizing university administrative structures requires decentralizing decision-making, improving communication between departments, investing in modern technology, and implementing clear accountability mechanisms. Based on these findings, the study recommended promoting collaborative practices, adopting digital solutions, and fostering transparency to rebuild trust within the university community. Addressing these inefficiencies is crucial for improving institutional performance and ensuring Nigerian universities remain competitive in a rapidly evolving global educational landscape.
Administrative inefficiencies; Bureaucratic bottlenecks; Technological integration; Decision-making decentralization; Higher education efficiency
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