Optimization of ergonomic coffee bean peeling machine design using anthropometric measures

Mujiono 1, * and Sujianto 2

1 Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of engineering, National Institute of Technology Malang. Indonesia.
2 Digital Businessl, Faculty of engineering, National Institute of Technology Malang. Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(03), 037–042
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.3.0386
Publication history: 
Received on 08 January 2024; revised on 12 May 2024; accepted on 14 May 2024
The findings of observations conducted at the Home Industry indicate that one of the procedures that is thought to be highly significant is the stage of coffee bean peel separation. The lengthy process of separating coffee beans involves two separate machines; the first machine is still used to mix the peel and coffee beans, and the second machine is used to clean any remaining peel mixture.
To solve the issues mentioned above and increase production, the time and motion study method as one of the methods of designing machine operator work systems, is used. It is accompanied by data uniformity tests, data adequacy tests, and cycle time, standard time, and standard output measurements. The design of this coffee peeling machine is to design a combination of machine one and machine two using anthropometric measurements including: standing elbow height, hand reach forward, sideways hand reach, standing navel height, standing knee height.
The standard time for the existing machine is 23.87 seconds per kg, while the standard time for the new machine is 12.60 seconds per kg. The existing machine's standard output is 151.2 kg per hour, while the new machine's standard output is 216 kg per hour, resulting in an 89% increase in productivity.
Design; Optimal; Anthropometry; Ergonomic; Coffee Bean
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