Optimal charging of plug-in electric vehicles and renewable energy sources integration considering PV/WT/BT based on cost and emission reduction

Adel Ramadan Hussien Mohamed 1, *and Abdussalam Ali Ahmed 2

1 Higher Institute of Engineering Technology, Bani Walid, Libya.
2 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Bani Waleed University, Bani Waleed, Libya.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(03), 200–206
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.3.1708
Publication history: 
Received on 24 July 2023; revised on 03 September 2023; accepted on 05 September 2023
The integration of Electric Vehicles (EVs) on the power system with Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) can have both positive and negative impacts. The positive impact could provide a comfort on the generation system and the EV, on the other hand, the negative impact increases the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) along with the cost and emission. Proper management and coordination will be needed to ensure that the integration is optimized for maximum benefit. The purpose of this article is to investigate the EV integration impact from the perspective of cost and reliability. The integration of EVs can also impact renewable energy generation. For example, if EVs are charged during periods of high renewable energy generation, it could lead to curtailment of RESs if the electricity demand from EVs is not balanced with the supply of renewable energy.
EV; RESs; GHG; EV integration impact
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