Per operatory finding of spontaneous rupture of the spleen: a case report

Serge Robert Nyada 1, 2, *, Esther Voundi Voundi 1, Stéphane Etémé Messi 2 and Jackson L Ebune 2

¹ Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, The University of Yaoundé 1, Cameroon.
² Centre Hospitalier Dominicain Saint Martin de Porrès, Yaoundé, Cameroon.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 15(03), 328–330
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.15.3.0945
Publication history: 
Received on 16 August 2022; revised on 21 September 2022; accepted on 23 September 2022
Spontaneous rupture of the spleen is an uncommon cause of haemoperitoneum. The diagnosis is difficult especially in premenopausal patient. We report a case of patient operated with an indication of ruptured ectopic pregnancy and whose peroperatory finding was a rupture of the spleen instead at the Centre Hospitalier Dominicain Saint Martin de Porrès, Yaoundé – Cameroon. She was a 28 years old, brought on consultation with acute abdominal pain, without amenorrhoea nor per vaginal bleeding. On physical examination, there was tachycardia and abdominal tenderness. The pregnancy test was negative and the pelvic ultrasound was relevant with a suspected ruptured ectopic pregnancy. We performed a laparotomy. The peroperatory findings were a haemoperitoneum and a linear tear of spleen capsule. We did a splenectomy and the post operatory follow up was unremarkable.
Spleen rupture; Haemoperitoneum; Laparotomy; Cameroon
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