The omnipresent power of the invisible: From viruses to being conscious
Buenos Aires University-CONICET. Biological Chemistry Exact and Natural Sciences Institute (IQUIBICEN), Virology Laboratory QB19, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 12(02), 518–525
Publication history:
Received on 15 October 2021; revised on 23 November 2021; accepted on 25 November 2021
According to Mayan cosmology, the law of time is represented as the energy factored by time equals to art. Time is a form of biological information. Time in-forms life, in such a way that life forms processes time as information and externalize it specific forms into the three-dimensional world, then time is the principle ordering of life. Indeed, everything in the natural order of the cosmos is beauty and harmony. All life forms on planet earth have their phases of morphological development, this is real even in the social structure of communities of living beings that also may have an aesthetic or artistic quality. This form and measurements of all things constitutes the entire or holistic order of the universe. So, if life is it nothing more than better-informed matter, where does this information come from? Socrates and Platon held that nothing in nature and in the world can be explained by random or chance, as Democritus would have argued, that nature creations occur because they have a Purpose. According to Platon, the natural world is a designer’s result demiurge or a universal consciousness that sets everything in the best possible place. So, if there is a start point where intelligence creates order, where there is order, there is purpose so; what is the purpose then? This work tends to give an answer and show a different perspective of living, studying and understanding (micro)biological phenomena in order to become conscious and assume that Nature is infinitely more powerful than us, the Whole is more than the sum of parts, we are part of it.
Evolution; Virus; Consciousness; Cosmos; Nature; Genomes
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