Obstacles to sustainable peace in post-conflict Liberia: An analysis of the challenges faced by peacekeeping operations
Legislative Centre for Security Analysis, National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS) National Assembly.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(03), 2078-2086
Publication history:
Received on 02 November 2024; revised on 18 December 2024; accepted on 21 December 2024
With over 15 years of peacekeeping experience in Liberia, it is crucial to recognize the challenges faced by international organizations in maintaining peace and stability. Based on this, the paper provides a comprehensive understanding of the complex and multi-dimensional challenges encountered in peacekeeping efforts in Liberia. Specifically, the paper identifies and analyzes the key factors that have hindered the effectiveness of peacekeeping operations in Liberia and assesses the impact of the identified challenges on the overall success and sustainability of peacekeeping missions in Liberia. Utilizing a qualitative research methodology and the purposive sampling of secondary data taken from books, journal articles, magazines, etc., the thematic approach which was adopted for the presentation of data facilitated the provision of a comprehensive overview of the challenges faced by peacekeeping operations in Liberia. Consequently, the paper reveals that the resolution of the conflict in Liberia was achieved through a multifaceted approach that encompassed regional diplomacy, the deployment of international peacekeeping forces, and the concerted efforts of organizations such as the United Nations and ECOWAS. However, the experience in Liberia also highlighted the complexities and difficulties encountered during peacekeeping operations, including the need for effective coordination among various actors, addressing root causes of conflict, promoting sustainable governance and development, and ensuring long-term peacebuilding efforts. Therefore, the paper recommends Improving training and support for peacekeeping personnel, strengthening democratic institutions, and promoting good governance, among others, as strategies that will mitigate the challenges and ensure an impactful peacekeeping mission in the future.
Peacekeeping; Conflict; Post-conflict; Stability
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