Nutrition role in the well-being of people during Covid 19 pandemic-A review article

Abhishek Lachyan 1, *, Randhir S Gendeh a/l Jekinder Singh 1, Abubakar Mannir 2, Pooja Nilgar 3, Rafdzah Ahmad Zaki 1, Bratati Banerjee 4, Karan Gade 5, Rajashri Virge 6, Nitin Basole 7 and Neelakanthayyaswamy I Hiremath 8

1 Centre for Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Practice, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya 50603, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2 Department of Public Health, School of Health Sciences, Noida International University, Delhi NCR, India.
3 Department of Public Health, JNMC KAHER Belgaum, India.
4 Department of Community Medicine Maulana Azad Medical College- New Delhi. India.
5Indian Institute of Public Health, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.
6 National Institutes of Traditional Medicine, Belagavi, Karnataka, India.
7 Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme Unit, National Health Mission, Nanded-431601, Maharashtra, India.
8 Women’s and Children’s Health Research Unit, J N Medical College, KAHER, Belgaum 590010 Karnataka, India.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 11(02), 237-240
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.11.2.0381


Publication history: 
Received on 11 July 2021; revised on 14 August 2021; accepted on 16 August 2021
The worldwide health catastrophe caused by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has startled world health experts. Obesity and poor physical activity levels were shown to be elevated risk factors for COVID-19 affection and physiopathology, indicating that the COVID-19 lockdown encouraged harmful dietary changes and increases in body weight in the community. Furthermore, malnutrition and deficiencies in vitamin C, D, B12, selenium, iron, omega-3, and medium and long-chain fatty acids were found in hospitalized COVID-19 patients, emphasizing the potential health benefits of vitamin C and D treatments. More research is needed to determine the full function and consequences of diet in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 infected individuals.
Nutrition; Diet; COVID -19; Pandemic; Well-being
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