Nonfunctional para-aortic paraganglioma: About a rare mediastinal mass
1 Department of Radiology, CHU Hassan II, Fès. Morocco.
2 Department of Mother and child radiology, CHU hassan II, Fès. Morocco.
3 Université libre de bruxelles. Brussels, Belgium.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 067–071
Publication history:
Received on 01 July 2023; revised on 26 August 2023; accepted on 29 August 2023
Objectives: Our purpose is to illustrate the radiological aspects of mediastinal paragangliomas.
Material: we report the case of a 73-year-old woman, who presented to the emergency department with a thoracic trauma, and to whom the diagnosis of a mediastinal mass was discovered incidentally.
Results: The patient presented to the emergency department in the context of an injury assessment of a thoracic trauma.
The patient reported a history of diabetes, but did not report any chest or cardiac symptoms.
A thoracic CT scan was performed and showed a mass in the anterior and middle mediastinum with vivid enhancement.
A mediastinoscopy with biopsy was performed and came back in favor of a paraganglioma.
This case highlights the importance of imaging in the diagnosis of mediastinal paragangliomas as a possibility to consider in the differential diagnosis of an intra-thoracic mass.
Conclusion: Paragangliomas are neuroendocrine tumors that rarely arise in the mediastinum. A good knowledge of radiological semiology coupled with scintigraphy is essential for a good diagnostic approach. However, surgery is the only effective way to diagnose and treat this pathology
Paraganglioma; Imaging; Mediastinal mass
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